“Your excitement over school work and testing is contagious and has impacted my kids in so many ways!”

~ Caroline, parent


“Irene has a magical way of connecting with kids. She both gets into their world and keeps them focused on the topic at hand and forward progress.”

~ Shelly, parent


“Irene is patient, clear, and gives simple ways to remember complex information.”

~ Philippe, parent


“Thank you for the hour you spent with my son. He was really pumped after the session and got right to work afterward revising his essay. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him that excited to write. ”

~ Shannon, parent


“My son always ends his sessions with you saying, ‘That was great!’ ”

~ Catherine, parent


“Irene’s amazing tutoring abilities have been evident for 3+ years and recently went to another level when she helped my son significantly improve his SSAT test scores (by 16 points for the overall percentile and in one section by 37 points) in less than two months!  She gave him expert advice about how to tackle each section of the exam and real-world test-taking strategies he said were essential to his success in raising his SSAT scores.  Irene does a great job breaking things down so they are easier for him to understand.  He thoroughly enjoys his regular tutoring sessions with Irene and always says she helps him better understand the topic.”

~ Jamie, parent


“I've never had so much fun working on math.”

~ Nicole, student


“I write better when you are here.”

~ Cole, student

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“Irene Walsh is a very clear and pleasant teacher, and breaks down information in a way that makes math fun and interesting. She worked with my 17-year-old son on radical expressions today. After the session, he was extremely happy and encouraged, and now has a full understanding of the advanced topic.”

~ Emily, parent

“Awesome tutor- the best my son has ever had. The teacher is meticulously prepared. Five-star fabulous.”

~ Kathryn, parent

“I got a 94 on my math exam! I just wanted to thank you for helping me in geometry in my 9th grade year, I don’t think I would have an A in that class if it wasn’t for you, so thank you!”

~ Kaylee, student


“Our girl would have never joyfully and successfully excelled in high school and full-time ballet training without you!! And now you’ve given her the tools and confidence to work in a complex and stressful online university environment! Thank you Irene!”

~ Maureen, parent


“Our son is so lucky to have you! It's so wonderful to see the change in him from high anxiety to calm preparation! I can breathe a sigh of relief. Whew! Thank you so much!”

~ Maile, parent


“Irene is patient and dedicated. My daughter feels better with her homework. She explains the material and understands first how my daughter thinks about the problem and her approach.”

~ Shani, parent


“My daughter has struggled with these math problems in school and Irene helped her make sense of them!”

~ Anne, parent


“My son has just completed his first 90 minute 1-1 tutoring class with Irene. He is buzzing about it, and can’t wait for next week. He feels that the class content was perfectly suited to him and the teacher ‘gets’ him already. He found the class to be deeply thought provoking, so it appears he’s going to remain engaged in what he learned, long after the class has finished- bonus! Hooray!!”

~ Kath, parent


“Thank you Irene!  I thought you'd like to know that even on days when my son is tired and grumpy, and wants to skip all commitments (which was the case much of this week...), he always ends his sessions with you saying "that was great!" :)”

~ Katie, parent


“OUTSTANDING! Irene is patient, diligent, and understands how to gently encourage her students, and push them to the next level.”

~ Jennifer, parent


“Irene is a fantastic tutor. My 15-year-old son has dyslexia and Irene has really helped him develop and refine his essay writing skills. She is very responsive and accommodating. We are continuing the lessons into the school year so she can continue to guide him in writing.”

~ Sarah, parent


5 stars out of 5 stars!

~ Outschool.com